Happy Kartini Day!

Perhaps some of you are questioning who Kartini is? Raden Adjeng Kartini or R.A. Kartini is one of the Indonesian Woman Heroes who had changed society’s perspective on women. We can say that she is the pioneer of women’s emancipation in Indonesia. She remarkably advocated for women’s rights and education.

She was born in an aristocratic Javanese family and had the privilege to attend a Dutch-language primary school. She wanted to pursue further education, but at that time, it was too hard for women to have a higher education. So, she wrote her thoughts about women’s situation in Indonesia who were very limited to speaking their minds or many difficulties in letters.

Kartini was interested in the Europe women’s mindset because they were free in how they were speaking and had an equal position in society. She wanted Indonesian Women to have the strength and be respected by others. After her death, her sisters continued her remarkable movement on educating women. Kartini’s letters were also published and be her most impactful property to Indonesian women. The most well-known book of hers is Habis Gelap Terbitlah Terang which not only talks about women’s difficulties but also about the meaning of God, nationalism, etc.

As we all know, Nayantaka is a woman-owned business. Nayantaka proves that Kartini’s struggle did not end in vain. Every woman has their chance to reach what do they want; being a leader, an entrepreneur, etc. Either do Nayantaka.

In our journey, Nayantaka is also joining an Indonesian Women Entrepreneurs Network (IWEN) in Houston, Texas. We contribute to and participate in every IWEN program in empowering women, especially Indonesian entrepreneur women all around the world. We support women to reach their dreams.

In Kartini’s spirit, Nayantaka is always ready to support the movement of change by women for a better life. Once again, Happy Kartini Day, everyone!



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